- 19/12/2018
- Industry news
Tabu, a leading international company in natural wood dyeing and multilaminar wood technology, organizes and promotes the first edition of the Design Contest “IdeasxWood“ for the design of geometric designs, organic or combined, aimed at the realization of multilaminar veneers size 650×3.060 mm; the creation of industrial inlays both on dyed natural veneers and multilaminar veneers for the production of 1,260 x 3,060 mm panels; the development of three-dimensional surfaces made with the technique of embossing or bas-relief for the production of 1260 x 3060 mm panels; finally, the creation of artefacts, furniture, objects or furnishing accessories made with Tabu surfaces.
The solutions presented, by 12:00 noon on 15.03.2019 by telematic procedure, must be original and unpublished, aimed at enhancing the workings of the company. The aesthetic quality of the presentation, the economic feasibility of the project and the attention to environmental impact with the use of FSC® certified wood / veneer will be evaluated.
Participation in the competition is open to two categories: Professionals, i.e. all Italian and foreign designers aged between 25 and 39 years; Students, i.e. all Italian and foreign students of the Universities of Architecture and Engineering, Schools and Institutes of Design and Academies of Fine Arts.
For both categories, participation as individuals or in groups is allowed. Each participant, as an individual or group, may submit up to a maximum of 3 projects.
The application for participation in the competition (downloadable from the website www.ideasxwood.it) must be made by filling in the appropriate attachment and sending it to the e-mail address tabu@pec.confindustriacomo.it and a copy to info@ideasxwood.it.
In order to make its reality better known, Tabu will organize one or more Open Days, on dates to be defined, which will be communicated via email to participants already registered and open to all participants who wish to have a training meeting on the company, its production and its strategies.
The Jury will be chaired by architect Franco Raggi and will be composed of: Alfonso Femia, architect, owner of Atelier(s) AF517, Ambrogio Rossari, member of the ADI Committee Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, Andrea Tagliabue, CEO of Tabu, Diego Florian, Director FSC®Italia, Federico Galluzzi, publisher, Francesca Losi, journalist and communication manager of Tabu, Francesco Scullica, scientific director of the Interior Design Master of Politecnico di Milano- POLI_design, Nicola Molteni, Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Piergiorgio Cazzaniga, designer and cabinetmaker, Renzo Fauciglietti, engineer and designer, Roberta Busnelli, journalist and publisher, Roberto Tamborini, architect, Sebastiano Cerullo, General Manager of FederlegnoArredo, Stefano Pujatti, architect and owner of Elasticospa+3, Stefano Ronchetti, entrepreneur.
The Jury will evaluate the entries received and in compliance with the regulations. The finalists of the competition will be officially published on the website www.ideasxwood.it in the days immediately following the Jury meeting.
The 1st Classified of each of the two categories will be offered the opportunity to participate in a Workshop lasting approximately one week, with travel and accommodation at the total expense of the company, at a prestigious design studio based in the USA or Asia, which will be announced at the final awards ceremony.
There will be minor awards for 2nd and 3rd place and the assignment of special mentions, such as, by way of example but not limited to, the FSC® mention for those works that have paid specific attention to the values expressed by the FSC® certification.
More information at www.ideasxwood.it.