- 22/04/2014
- wooden edges, ABS edges, laminate edges
Innovative solutions for smart materialsThe Workshop & Tech Trends, Technologies and innovative solutions for smart materials, organized recently in Pesaro by Arpa Industriale, Biesse and Rehau, arose the goal to update its customers about the most recent innovations to meet today The industry trends that guide mobile . The event, which saw the active participation of more than fifty partners, has been a great success thanks to the topics covered, the moments of demonstration and in particular to the strong synergy that unites the three companies nellambito loperato technological materials for linterior design, solutions for laser edging and machinery for their processing. Fausto Donato (Product Manager) and Sandro Marini (Corporate Communications Manager) Arpa Industriale presented the new HPL 2014 FENIX NTM s exclusive material created for linterior intelligent design, suitable for both vertical and horizontal applications. The exterior of FENIX NTM obtained with the aid of nanotechnology and characterized by a decorative surface treated with resins resulting from the research of a new generation of Arpa Industriale. Following a discussion on the history of beading laser, which sees Rehau pioneer since its inception, Andrea Bucciarelli, director of industry sectors companys, stressed the importance of co-extrusion process for the production of the edges for maximum quality edging not only optical, but also mechanical, regardless of the type of polymer used. As the highest expression of this process and to answer alleccellenza materials Harp, Andrea Bucciarelli presented a range of edge laser developed to perfectly match the colors and surface features of NTM FENIX, whose careful design has enabled us to achieve the same surface appearance and to maximize scratch resistance. Finally, the Business Manager of Biesse machines for edging, Pierluigi Heels, talked to Air Force System: This new technology-based edging sullapplicazione your air warm, thanks to the better quality of the finished product and the simplicity of the system, has greatly lowered the barrier dingresso allutilizzo edges laser.