The General Assembly of Federlegno Arredo, which took place this year in Mogliano Veneto (Treviso), saw the participation of more than 200 entrepreneurs and operators for an important moment of associative life.
Matteo Zoppas, president of Confindustria Veneto, was present and stressed the importance of the collaboration between Confindustria Veneto and FederlegnoArredo, demonstrating the fact that sharing projects and creating a system contributes to finding solutions to the needs of territories and businesses.
The comparison of the entire sector has been intense and confirms how the category is eager to look ahead. The president of FederlegnoArredo, Emanuele Orsini, outlined a positive picture of the association: “We managed to ensure the maintenance and extension of some measures that we consider absolutely necessary for the maintenance of the sector: deductions for energy and building redevelopment, the bonus furniture. Thanks to the dialogue with Mise we have obtained the inclusion in the Growth Dl of the tax credit in favour of pmi for participation in international trade fairs and the refinancing of the plan for the extraordinary promotion of Made in Italy: 90 million euros in 2019, which will allow us to continue to support the supply chain on international markets and to further strengthen investments in trade fairs“.
The Assembly will also focus on the theme of culture, an ally of design, and attention to the future of the country, starting with young people. FederlegnoArredo also illustrated to the members an important novelty: the new headquarters will be designed by Michele De Lucchi. The archistar presented the characteristics of the new headquarters.
Very positive were also the feedback from the work of the afternoon tables, coordinated by journalist Nicola Porro, which focused on important issues for the sector, from tourism to construction, from training to blockchain, through the circular economy.
Economic data of the wood-furniture supply chain
In an economic context that for 2018 has registered considerable concerns both on the domestic and international sides, the companies in the wood-furniture sector are marking a positive result. The total production of the supply chain in 2018 amounted to 42.2 billion euros, an increase of 1.8% compared to 2017.
The furniture system marks a +2% in terms of turnover to production, settling at about 16.4 billion euros. 51% of the production is destined for export: France and the USA are the first destinations, having surpassed Germany and marked an increase of 9.6% compared to 2017.
Veneto is the second most important region in the wood-furniture sector after Lombardy. In 2018 it confirms itself with about 6.8 billion and a growth of 0.7%. The first province of the supply chain is Treviso, which alone achieves over 3.7 billion euros. The Veneto trade balance is very high and for furniture alone exceeds 2.6 billion euros. The main destinations are France, Germany, USA and United Kingdom.