- 13/04/2015
- Industry news
Platform of events and initiatives dedicated to promote materials and manufacturing companies, which present projects inspired by the themes of innovation and technological material. After the Milan Triennale, Materials Village moves to Superstudio Piu, large exhibition in the Tortona district, for years the most visited location FuoriSalone. Materials Village hosts the exhibition of MCI Contest, the international competition, created by Material ConneXion Italy, focused on the application of innovative materials and sustainable in the areas of design, engineering, architecture, fashion and art, open to students and professionals - architects, designers, engineers, designers, artists. The challenge of the competition was the development of projects or concept unpublished materials by applying one or more of the seven available, exploiting the potential in an intelligent, creative, responsible in terms of environmental impact and unconventional. The contest, held online at www.mcicontest.it from June 1 to December 15, 2014, saw the participation of 67 projects including the online audience voted the best, selecting the 10 finalists. Among the latter, the Technical Jury, composed of a team of Material ConneXion Italy and by the editors of Wired, has chosen the top 3 and a special prize. The exhibition features the winning designs and materials: Favini - 1st Place: PRECISELY sketch cover for smartphone young designers Paul and Paul Bedei Ceredi with the application of the material Crush Favini Srl, the first and only range of ecological papers made residues of agroindustrial processes, which replace up to 15% of cellulose coming from tree. Thanks to hundreds of hours of research and technical improvement, Favini has managed to transform the byproducts of corn, citrus fruits, kiwi, olives, almonds, hazelnuts, coffee, cherries and lavender in extraordinary cards, unique shades inspired by nature and that traveling within the plot marks the raw materials from which come to life.
Arpa Industriale - 2nd Place: IMAGO, game / library furniture, of raptures Design Project realized by applying the material FENIX NTM® Arpa Industriale SpA, a new nanotechnology material for interior design, super opaque, performance, cutting-edge techniques.
Pelma - 3rd Place: polyhedron SOFA sitting eclectic, unusual and versatile. A project of Silvia Elena Loddi Exana and for which they have chosen the material Thermofresh® of Pelma SpA, exclusive material and the latest generation, offering the right combination of two features in a single solution of high quality: the thermal characteristic, reached through the use of special materials phase change (PCM), heat accumulators which allow a constant temperature; Hygienic characteristic, achieved through the special treatment Ultrafresh that exploits the natural ability of Silver to resist the proliferation of bacteria and mold, among the primary causes of asthma and allergic diseases.