Hardware for furniture, upholstery, kitchen, coatings and furnishing systems.

Furnishing Idea is the portal dedicated to the furniture and furnishing industry, designed to bring together different professionals such as architects, designers, carpenters, furniture makers and manufacturers active in the furniture market who represent the reference point in terms of innovation and quality of the product offered. On the other hand, the portal aims to provide a valid information service focused on products, projects, events and fairs and everything that revolves around the world of components, semi-finished products and accessories for the furniture industry.


The portal is divided into different sections where you can explore the different products according to different categories, get in touch with manufacturers, download catalogues to keep up with industry trends and watch videos of interviews with the best professionals and manufacturers.


In the articles section you can find all the information about the most innovative product technologies, such as furniture materials, furniture accessories and systems, furniture machinery, furniture hardware, manufactured by manufacturers with a solid experience in the field. In the companies section there is an overview of the manufacturers registered on our portal, divided by product category, where you can contact us for any request. Our portal also has a special catalogues section to allow professionals and operators in the sector to view in a practical way all the catalogues relating to the various products (furniture hardware, upholstery materials, furniture paints, etc.). In addition, to allow easy consultation of the products, our portal has reserved a product section, organized by categories, where you can find out about the technical characteristics, materials and functionality of each product. The video section, on the other hand, presents numerous video interviews given by professionals and manufacturers that report news, insights and informative content on the best technologies in the sector.


In addition, to keep you constantly informed you can also consult our Journal section which contains all the Furnishing Idea magazines dedicated to the furniture and furnishing industry, such as the edition dedicated to Sicam or Interzum, two of the most important trade fairs in the sector. The magazines can be consulted from the portal or easily downloadable in pdf format.


Thanks to the trust placed in us by many manufacturers, our portal is now recognized both nationally and internationally. In fact, there are already many internationally recognized and established companies in the sector, including the AIPEF group (Italian Flexible Expanded Polyurethanes Companies) which promotes scientific information on the use of flexible polyurethane foam in the sectors in which it is used.

Online training for the students of Polo Formativo LegnoArredo in collaboration with SCM

The active collaboration between SCM, world leader in technologies for second woodworking, and the Polo Formativo LegnoArredo - ITS Rosario Messina in Lentate sul Seveso (MB) continues.
The group from Rimini, after having supplied the machines for the carpentry workshop of the Polo Formativo LegnoArredo Training Centre, has taken care of a 40-hour “pilot“ initiative on Industry 4.0 for its students.  The aim of the project is to overcome the limitations to classroom and company training caused by the Covid-19 health emergency, continuing to guarantee students at the LegnoArredo Training Centre a high-level online training on the latest technological innovations in line with the latest trends in the furniture and design sector.


High-level online training on the latest technological innovations for the sector.

Twenty-three young people from the ITS “INDUSTRIA 4.0 - Tecnico superiore per la progettazione e l'industrialiizzazione nel settore legno arredamento“ path were able to deepen, between the end of June and July, the software and technologies more in line with the needs of Industry 4.0. The online training studied together with SCM included 36 hours in a virtual classroom on SCM “Maestro“ software (basic and advanced 3D) and other hours of remote demos on some of the numerical control machining centres proposed by SCM most appreciated by the furniture industry, such as the drilling and milling centre for the “morbidelli m100“ panel and the new machining centre for nesting “morbidelli x200“.
Students who have been able to take part in SCM's online courses, attend a Post Diploma High Technical Specialization course, an opportunity of absolute importance in the Italian training panorama, expression of a new strategy that combines education, training and work policies with the industrial policies of the country.  A highly qualified training offer, with new and high technical skills capable of promoting innovation and technology transfer processes, is the effective Italian response to the demand from companies for these professional figures.


Increasing demand for highly specialized professionals

Starting from an already advanced level of knowledge, the young students were able to interact, albeit in digital mode, with SCM technicians directly from the Technology Center in Rimini.
Those technicians who work every day with companies in the sector to make the best use, with the utmost simplicity and efficiency, of the group's technological solutions and related digital applications, worked closely with the students on this occasion.
Matteo Zani, SCM transfer technician, held an online course for students on the use and programming of CadCam Maestro software, remaining enthusiastic about the participation and interest shown by students in the various remote connections held through the SCM group's training platform, “E-Campus“. “With this online course we have tried to convey to the students some of the contents and applications most requested today by companies in the sector - said Matteo Zani -. The customers we meet every day, including artisan companies, show a deep need for professional figures highly specialized in the use of the most modern technologies and the most advanced software for woodworking and these students have extraordinary opportunities to fully respond to these requests in the future“.
First with online lessons on software and then through remote demos with Fabio Brugiafreddo, another SCM service technician, the students of the course were also able to virtually produce custom-made furniture, deepening specific topics such as nesting processing for shaped panel cutting.


A punctual and efficient collaboration

The collaboration between Polo Formativo LegnoArredo - ITS Rosario Messina and SCM has been going on for some years. In fact, the institute has chosen SCM to equip itself with an efficient carpentry workshop with about twenty machines representative of all the most important technologies, on which future wood professionals can learn the secrets of the trade every day.
The partnership also includes visits and internships by students at the Italian group's headquarters and refresher courses on the “digital factory“ reserved for teachers at the new SCM Group Campus. This valid collaboration did not stop even in the days of Covid-19. The students and their teachers, in fact, can access the entire training offer of the SCM Group's “E-Campus“ digital platform with e-learning courses on the topics of greatest interest to the sector.
 “It is very important for us to be at the side of a centre of excellence like this - comments Luca Bergantini, SCM Italia Manager - in a very important market like the Italian one and in an area like Brianza, renowned worldwide for furniture and design. In a sector that evolves so rapidly, it becomes essential to be able to give a timely, concrete and always updated response to new technological challenges“.  
The selections for the ITS 2020-2021 courses of the Polo Formativo LegnoArredo - ITS Rosario Messina are open.